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Read the latest blog posts from people working within the research programme.

    • Marika Hedin
    • 26.8.2021
    • Eng
    What made Riksbankens Jubileumsfond join the funding of Future Challenges in the Nordics? “I firmly believe that the only way to approach the great challenges of the future is collaborating between all science domains,” said CEO Marika Hedin.
    • Antti Arjava
    • 29.7.2021
    • Eng
    Why does the Finnish Cultural Foundation want to finance Future Challenges in the Nordics? “We especially wish to encourage interaction between the humanities or social sciences and the natural or technical sciences,” said Secretary General Antti Arjava. “This is an opportunity to learn from each other on both sides.”
    • Sören Lillkung
    • 8.7.2021
    • Eng
    Why does The Swedish Cultural Foundation in Finland want to participate in the funding of Future Challenges in the Nordics? “In a post-industrial society we should not focus on achieving growth alone, but also on pure knowledge and the wellbeing of people,” said CEO Sören Lillkung. “We value the holistic view on the surrounding world.”
    • Nina Edgren-Henrichson
    • 28.5.2021
    • Eng
    “Without exception, these projects represent new ways of looking at how we in the Nordic countries, and in a broader global perspective, position ourselves in relation to the major issues of the future. Many of the projects combine issues and theoretical approaches in a way that we have not really seen before.”
    • Nina Edgren-Henrichson
    • 28.5.2021
    • Fin
    “Nämä projektit ovat sellaisia, että ne poikkeuksetta edustavat uusia avauksia liittyen siihen miten me Pohjoismaissa ja laajemmassa globaalissa perspektiivissä asetumme suhteessa suuriin tulevaisuuden kysymyksiin. Useat projekteista yhdistelevät sekä kysymyksenasetteluja että teoreettisia näkökulmia tavalla, jota emme oikeastaan ole aiemmin nähneet.”
    • Nina Edgren-Henrichson
    • 28.5.2021
    • Swe
    “De här projekten är sådana att de utan undantag representerar nya öppningar med tanke på hur vi i de nordiska länderna och i ett vidare globalt perspektiv placerar oss i förhållande till de stora framtidsfrågorna. Många av projekten kombinerar både frågeställningar och teoretiska infallsvinklar på ett sätt som vi inte riktigt har sett kombinerade förut.”