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Lue viimeisimmät tutkimusohjelman parissa työskentelevien henkilöiden blogikirjoitukset täältä.

    • Lena Fritzén
    • 17.3.2022
    • englanti
    Why does The Kamprad Family Foundation want to participate in the funding of Future Challenges in the Nordics? “If research is to contribute to societal development, it must relate to what is being done, as well as what should and must be done,” said Executive Board Member Lena Fritzén.
    • Dag Wallgren
    • 27.1.2022
    • englanti
    Why does the Society of Swedish Literature in Finland want to participate in the funding of Future Challenges in the Nordics? “I want the collaboration and dialogue between decision-making and research to be expanded,” said CEO Dag Wallgren.
    • Nina Edgren-Henrichson
    • 1.11.2021
    • englanti
    Soon it will become clear which projects will be funded within the research programme, Future Challenges in the Nordics. Funding is proposed for eleven projects.
    • Nina Edgren-Henrichson
    • 1.11.2021
    • Fin
    Pian selviää, mitkä hankkeet saavat rahoitusta Tulevaisuuden haasteet Pohjolassa -tutkimusohjelmassa. Rahoitusta ehdotetaan yhdelletoista hankkeelle.
    • Nina Edgren-Henrichson
    • 1.11.2021
    • Swe
    Snart blir det klart vilka projekt som får finansiering inom forskningsprogrammet Framtida utmaningar i Norden. Elva projekt föreslås få finansiering.
    • Birgitta Forsström
    • 16.9.2021
    • englanti
    Why does Stiftelsen Brita Maria Renlunds minne want to participate in the funding of Future Challenges in the Nordics? “This research program nicely combines not only several countries but also has the ambition to connect researchers from the humanities and social sciences,” said CEO Birgitta Forsström. “We believe this is a successful venture.”