We want to know why

This century, we will face a range of societal challenges both in the Nordic countries and globally. These challenges should be solved by people with insights about the societal, cultural and political processes that brought us here. We need those who understand the human being and our interactions with the environment, and are able to answer the question “why?”.

We want to give experts in humanities and social sciences a prominent position in societal debate. Our seven-year-long research programme will provide the basis for unique cooperation where the goal is to offer new information for decision-makers. We believe that social and human sciences can give us the answers we are looking for.


    • Nina Edgren-Henrichson
    • 18.3.2021
    • Eng
    Nine reputable researchers spread around the Nordic countries are currently reviewing the applications for the research programme, Future Challenges in the Nordics. Who are they, where do they come from and why have they been chosen for the assignment?
    • Nina Edgren-Henrichson
    • 18.3.2021
    • Fin
    Yhdeksän ansioitunutta tutkijaa istuu parhaillaan eri puolilla Pohjoismaita käymässä läpi hakemuksia Tulevaisuuden haasteet Pohjolassa -tutkimusohjelmaan. Keitä he ovat, mistä he tulevat ja miksi heidät on valittu tehtävään?
    • Nina Edgren-Henrichson
    • 18.3.2021
    • Swe
    Just nu sitter nio välrenommerade forskare runtom i Norden och går igenom ansökningar till forskningsprogrammet Framtida utmaningar i Norden. Vilka är de, varifrån kommer de och varför har just de utsetts till uppdraget?
